Tuesday 25 April 2017

Brown Eyes

The first thing I noticed about him were his eyes.

I’v never seen eyes like that before. The rest of his tiny 1.5 feet body disappeared behind those huge brown irises set on perfect almond shaped eyes.

He looked at me with fully open eyes so uncharacteristic for a new born. So quiet he was, drinking every new sight, sound and smell in of his new world. There were no tears or fears in his eyes, only curiosity; no wail in his mouth, only silent observation. His eyes looked like he took me all in. I remember that I couldn’t bear the sight of his eyes, I was overwhelmed with emotion and the first thing I said was that I did not want to see him. Because I wanted to see him more than I have wanted anything else in the world and I just did not know how to deal with that want.

It should be only me that saw him and I was so fiercely jealous of all the fawning hugs and everybody drinking his tiny body in with their own eyes before he reached me. I couldn’t get up, my wretched paralyzed Cesarean sectioned body. I couldn’t move a muscle – because the anesthetics hadn’t worn out or because my mind was numbed by my overwhelming emotions I do not know. I pouted in my mind and teared up when my mother, aunt, cousins - everybody loomed over him while bringing him to me...denying me his sight for a few seconds longer. I was cross with everybody…and my drug addled mind had completely forgotten the moment when the doctor had shown him to me as soon as he was born. So I thought that all my relatives were getting a chance to see him before I myself did.
He finally reached me and I was transfixed. I would have remained so if I had not lost control and started crying. 

The dark days of postpartum depression soon followed and I took more and more solace from his tiny eyes. Here was one person whom I could look at unabashedly and admire fully without being questioned. Eyes with no judgement – eyes full of love. During his first few days in this world, sleep became a distant impossible daydream and night and day became one fluid continuous unending vortex.

I would sink into his eyes asking a thousand questions to this little creature who knew nothing but whose eyes were those of an old saint who had centuries of knowledge and wisdom at his disposal. And then like long awaited life giving rain drops on a desert, I would occasionally get the softest caress from his tiny fingers. This small action would recharge the worn down batteries of my heart and would give me so much courage, happiness and hope.
2.5 years have gone by. Now there are several more shades to the expression in his eyes – naughtiness, petulance, anger, displeasure, pain and most of the time, imitations of our own expressions.

But when I wake up at night and I find him in close proximity, sometimes even on top of my chest, I see that he is up too… and in the darkness I see his eyes gleam, looking deep into mine. The same look of wisdom and quiet observation and all through the day when I am far away from him, those eyes keep peeping up at me in my mind.. without warning or invitation…looking knowingly at me…giving me courage to see the day through in the knowledge that those eyes wait for me at home, full of nothing but love and acceptance of all the imperfection that is me.


Listen to me dear man child, listen to my tale I'd like to tell you a story, of this daughter of the Earth Why does this world clamour f...