Tuesday 21 November 2017

The Nature of Criticism

Part of a discussion between a professor and a student of literature on Indian history and arts. The subject of the discussion was the story of Kacha and Devayani. It is the part on criticism that interests me.

Student : Professor, you mean to say all criticism is objective ? Professor : All criticism on historical literature is objective. The moment it becomes subjective it ceases to be authentic.It ceases to be a criticism on history.

Stud : But ... doesnt this mean that the poet who has recorded history can show no emotion, can express none of his feelings in his words?(The professor takes a deliberate reflective pause.Then resumes...)

Prof: This is almost a subject of its own.This gives rise to so many ideological questions.What is the relationship between art and science? Is criticism(vimarshanam) art or science?If it is a science what type of science is it? Is criticism a form of knowledge? Is criticism always objective or is it a form of rasaanubhuthi? The answer is then,that there are types of criticism.As there are types of science.

As you read a piece of literature, when you observe the dialogue,the ithivritham, the direction of the play,the trail of the plot,the characters and their attire, the settings and their quality, you are analyzing the play with respect to some set norms.It then becomes Normative Science.

But then you can also observe the beauty of the play.You can observe the emotion that you feel while viewing the play. You can analyze the poet and his work. You can see if the emotion that the poet wills his characters to possess has come through to the audience.In other words you can analyze yourself to understand if you have felt what the poet wanted you to feel...

Thursday 9 November 2017

The memory of a fragrance...

How do you describe a smell
Hidden in a twenty year old memory?

You think of tinkling anklets on small feet

running through dark warm wooden corridors
on a cool red oxide floor

Running in answer to the call for tea

and reaching to find sweet pleasure
in little triangular dumplings
enclosed in this leaf you threw aside without a thought

But not before getting a strong whiff

of this elusive aroma

This memory that rested on a delicate thread

now lays heavy on your palm too
Spicy and deep ,It can wake you up from sleep
It cannot be mistaken for any other
This smell of the Vazhana leaf.


Listen to me dear man child, listen to my tale I'd like to tell you a story, of this daughter of the Earth Why does this world clamour f...