Monday 26 November 2018

A Million Souls in Me

Image courtesy Pinterest

A million souls dance in me tonight.
A soul for every God I knew
One soul each for every thought accepted
And one for every idea rejected

Not just one soul
That escapes when cancer encroaches
from the burning pyre or the putrid worms

Not just one soul that will be reborn
Or a soul that will see heaven or hell.

A 15 year old innocent soul too
That still believes there is good in people
And a 40 year old wise soul
That knows how to be wary still

And in this dance I meet your soul tonight
A few thousand souls of mine find rhythm
With just a few thousand of yours

While a few more clash violently
Against rocky precipices
A few more flow calmly beside you
not intermingling...just observing
Staying unique, knowing their birthplace.

This is the true cosmic dance
The nature of man
His origin and his end
With no ultimate meaning but immense depth.

Nothing matters at the end of it all
Except to dance this dance with beauty and grace
Till the ebb recedes...
Till the Gods are quiet.


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