Monday 11 July 2022


Listen to me dear man child, listen to my tale

I'd like to tell you a story, of this daughter of the Earth

Why does this world clamour for her dignity and respect?
You ask, why is she unique, what makes her rare and special?

She is thirteen or thirty three, but she has one thing in common
The canvas of her life has one vivid undertone
Her eyes may be hazel or blue or black or brown
But the fabric of her body has been woven out of Pain

What pain you ask? It only makes her human.
It is only the story of every other pair of legs
Let me tell you about this pain that only a woman holds
For it is not like any you have ever seen or ever will.

Her cheeks are still soft, almost chubby still
When she stands alone one day in a pool of her own blood
She is confused and scared but for the first time in her life
She is truly alone and she is shivering in fright

She is taught about life but all she feels is pain
The tremble of her legs and the wrenching pull in her tummy
She is too young to understand the science of pain,
but Pain itself, of course, she gets and feels deeply.

In the face of pain, final and cruel
She grapples with the questions of life
Why is life so unfair? Why is this only me?
No escape for me ,while my brother plays carefree?

Then she grows into more pain, for her life is designed so
Pain is her legacy, her birthright and her salvation.

Child, her delicate skin might seem different from yours
But remember, it is not yours to be crushed like paper
She has curves and she has curls but they are not for you to destroy
She is beautiful notwithstanding whatever she thinks of herself.

She is the vessel of procreation, what else would she be?
If not ecstatically desirable like a golden bowl of fruit?

Her eyes might bewitch you, her lips might flame fire
but remember always and forever.. her body is autonomous!
She is Queen of herself and she is beyond her own skin
She is clever and silly and she is brave and funny too!

Respect her my child, for she is Goddess divine.
Treat her like one and she will grace you for life

Every time you touch her or even speak to her,my dear
Understand well she is a product of a cycle of pain and fear
She has gone through hell but she is steel underneath
Know who you are dealing with before you look upon her

For she is formidable and brave, dont you take her for granted, no.

She dealt with blood daily when you were playing your cowboy games
She coped with lechery when you had time to study
She screams through deathly pain when she creates your progeny
And she rises back up, proper Phoenix from the flames, and then she is Mother.

Now let me ask you my child, at this end of this story..
Will you still dare touch her without thinking twice and then once more?
Will you take her for granted and toy with her feelings
Or will you fall at her feet and worship the living sun ?


Listen to me dear man child, listen to my tale I'd like to tell you a story, of this daughter of the Earth Why does this world clamour f...