Monday 17 June 2019

Memory of a Rainy Day

This little girl
Was ten years old
And this dark cosy room
Had a thin tin roof

The rain was so heavy
It sounded less like rain
And more like a drumroll
On big steel drums

This little girl
Had a book in her hands
Nancy Drew was busy
On the threshold of adventure

A big warm blanket
Loomed over her head
Big enough to bury her
Toes fingers and book

She brought an edge down
Of the warm cosy blanket
Slowly, excitedly
Anticipation peaked

The shriek of thunderous rain
As it beat the roof down
Drove her back inside
Gleefuly to her book

The memory of this day
A perfect Time capsule
Buried in the safety
Of her secure childhood

To be retrieved and revisited
When the Adult experienced rain
When there was time to indulge,
To sink deep in dark cosy bliss.

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